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3 Day FREE Money Challenge 


Where you will learn πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ”₯πŸ’Έ 

3 WAYS TO SAVE $100k

And NEVER worry about money again...

But first, a peak at some client results...


- Jacqui

"For the first time in 2 years we have more than enough in our bills account to pay our rates, insurances, daycare costs, power bill, phone, internet feels so freaking good!!!"

- Whitney

"Its been an amazing week here, randomly received a $400 gift card which was a complete shock and then this morning got our gas and power bill (we normally never get these in the same fortnight let alone the same day) and power was over $200 in credit  and gas was $400 in credit."

- Alinta

"I’ve had two new job offers within my floral business which aren’t weddings so diversifying for me and it’s frickin exciting. Plus have teamed up with a venue to run workshops - also super exciting to be able to do floral work in my community that isn’t just weddings.
I got offered more hours at my casual job which I do some weekends.
My hubby has been offered a new role within his work team which means a much better wage!"

The FREE 3 Day Money Challenge that will completely change the way you budget your money forever!

Tuesday 4th - Thursday 6th April, 2023

Whats included:

⚑️ Learn 3 ways of budgeting your money so you see yourself saving thousands of dollars faster than you ever thought possible βš‘️  


⏰ 3x 60min Live Zoom Calls ⏰

- Tues 4th April, 5pm-6pm AWST

- Wed 5th April, 5pm-6pm AWST

- Thurs 6th April, 5pm-6pm AWST


πŸ‘©πŸΌ‍πŸ’» Access to my exclusive Facebook Community hub, with the full details of the challenge, the mini tasks to complete, and the most supportive and fun space to learn and talk MONEY πŸ‘©πŸΌ‍πŸ’»


πŸ”₯ Your chance to WIN $1191 worth of prizes πŸ”₯


Gain Instant Access Now πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

 I started following these simple steps back in 2018... 2.5years later I had saved $100k in my business savings and personal savings account combined.

Please know that I wasn't anyone special, I wasn't earning crazy amounts of money. My business hadn't quite hit 6 figures for the year yet, and I have spent most of my life worrying about money and never feeling like I had enough. 

I could never surpass $15k in my savings account (and I inherited most of that).


I was desperately looking for a way out of this cycle of spending more then I earned. 

I was ready to feel WORTHY.

So after learning these ways of budgeting my money, everything changed for me. 

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Stress = GONE

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Debt = paying it off with ease

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Business = More sales and rapidly growing income

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Built my first home 🏠

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Travelled more then ever ✈️

... and so much more


Join me, Kim Kent, for 3 days of absolute gold. 


And get all these BONUSES:


πŸ’₯ Debunking the budgeting myths that have you financially trapped.

πŸ’₯ Learn the 2 most important steps to budgeting your money correctly.

πŸ’₯ Get the exact bank accounts you need to be in control and financially free (and feel RICH!).

πŸ’₯ The secret process to eliminating overwhelm and stress with money.

πŸ’₯ The fastest way to save money and never spend more than you earn.

πŸ’₯ How to become a money magnet and manifest more in!



βœ… $200 Cash (AUD)

βœ… Cash Flow Strategy Session ($497)

βœ… Money Manifestation Audios ($97)

βœ… 1 x 60min Private Coaching Call with Kim Kent ($397)


Join The Money Challenge Here

What Clients Of The 'Wealthy As F*ck' Money Program Are Saying...


Whitney (member of program since Oct 2022)
"Officially only 1 month into your amazing money course & today I felt immense gratitude & excitement for going into our accounts (its payday) & transferring a set amount straight into our savings account before we do or pay anything else and this was a huge deal for me. Prior to starting your money course, I wouldn't transfer into our savings until the day before payday with whatever money was left (most fortnight very little if anything at all). With doing that today I felt bloody powerful and so damn worthy making this a priority and doing it on payday. I’ve also saved 40% of my biz pay too (normally this os money thats always just sat there and never had a real purpose so again sometimes wasted). Im so damn grateful for you and this course & freaking EXCITED for my financial future!!!" 


Jen (member of program since Jan 2023)

"...Fast forward to the past few months…my credit card is gone (BT to a separate bank so I can slowly pay it off interest free), my partner and I now have a joint savings for our house deposit and trip to South Africa, I’ve adjusted the allocation of money so that I have enough in each account category while also saving (this meant a slight decrease as I was “over” saving), but most importantly I’m slowly changing my feelings around money AND in return attracting extra money in (via acting roles at work and market research).

Thanks Kim Kent for your assistance to date and building a wonderful community."
Amanda (member of program since Oct 2022)
"I can see my accounts building up and staying fuller. All while more and more people are signing to work with me in an easeful, flowy way. It has felt so lovely.
Also won ANOTHER competition full of free stuff (as you heard). I feel so supported."